10-Year Culinary Plan

10 Year Plan

After graduating high school in a few months, I will attend a two year culinary program. After the two year program I will transfer to a culinary institute for the next two years. After I complete my education, I will start to apply to jobs in the culinary field. I will be looking for jobs in fine dining restaurants with the position of chef. In the culinary feild, hands-on experience holds more value than in school education, this is why I will also apply for internships during my colleg eexperience, so I am even better prepared for a job.

College Choice

I plan on attending Schoolcraft community college in Livonia, Michigan for two years, and then transfer to the Institute of Culinary Education, in New York City. I will be majoring in culinary arts. I will be completed with my education 4 years after I graduate highschool. I will apply for internships during my culinary education because this will make it so I will have the experience to apply to higher paying jobs sooner after the time I graduate

Career Choice

I plan on attending Schoolcraft community college in Livonia, Michigan for two years, and then transfer to the Institute of Culinary Education, in New York City. I will be majoring in culinary arts. I will be completed with my education 4 years after I graduate highschool.

Personal Life

I would like to be located in a city that is near wildlife and water, for example, Seattle Washington. I would like to live in studio style apartment. I would own a car for transport.

Tools Needed to be a Chef